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Conscia Metadata

DX Component Configuration

Parameter NameParameter PropertyDescription
Default MetadatadefaultMetadataArray of key/value objects. [{key<string>, value<string>]. The intent is to provide further instructions to the rendering logic or other downstream Orchestration Components.

DX Component Experience Rule Configuration

Parameter NameParameter PropertyDescription
MetadatatriggeredMetadataArray of key/value objects. [{key<string>, value<string>]. The intent is to provide further instructions to the rendering logic or other downstream Orchestration Components.

Triggered Metadata key/value pairs are merged on top of the Default Metadata key/value pairs.

Given the following configuration:

"defaultMetadata" : [
{ "key": "css", "value": "master" },
{ "key": "categoryCode", "value": "A" }
"triggeredMetadata" : [
{ "key": "promoCode", "value": "BUY_THIS" },
{ "key": "categoryCode", "value": "B" }

The resulting value will be:

{ "key": "css", "value": "master" },
{ "key": "promoCode", "value": "BUY_THIS" },
{ "key": "categoryCode", "value": "B" }