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Conscia DX Graph

The DX Graph Components allow you to connect to any DX Graph instance from DX Engine and retrieve Collection data.

ComponentRequires ConnectorAllows for Personalization
Static Record ListYesYes
Dynamic Record ListYesYes

Connector Configuration

Parameter NameParameter PropertyDescription
Conscia EndpointendpointOne of: Production, Staging, Development
API KeyapiKeyYour DX Graph API token
Customer CodecustomerCodeYour customer code

To create a DX Engine Connection to DX Graph in the DX Engine UI:

  1. Navigate to the Connections page (Manage Flows --> Connections).
  2. Click Add Connection. The Create Connection page appears.
  3. For Connection Code, enter a unique idenfier for the Connection, such as dxgraph-connection.
  4. For Connection Name, enter a friendly name for the Connection, such as "DX Graph Connection".
  5. Optionally, enter a Connection Description.
  6. For Connector, select DX Graph.
  7. For Conscia Endpoint, select the appropriate Conscia API endpoint (ie, Production, Staging, or Development).
  8. For API Key, select Literal, and enter the Conscia DX Graph API token.
  9. For Customer Code, enter the Conscia customer identifier for the DX Graph instance.
  10. Click Submit.

Especially if multiple DX Graph Connections use the same API Key, you may want to store that value as a Secret.

Static Record List

A DX Graph Static Record List Component lets Conscia users select one or more Records in a DX Graph Collection.

Component Configuration

Parameter NameParameter PropertyDescription
Connection CodeconnectionCodeThe Connection Code of a configured Conscia DX Graph Connector
Collection IDcollectionIdThe Collection to access
Suggestion Display TemplatetemplateA handlebars template for rendering the suggestion results
TitletitleSuggestion List Title
Search FieldssearchFieldsArray of fields to search

To create a DX Graph Static Record List Component in the DX Engine UI:

  1. In the top navigation, Navigate to the Experience Components page (Manage Flows --> Components).
  2. Click Add Component. The Create Component wizard appears.
  3. For Component Code, enter a unique identifier for the Component.
  4. For Component Name, enter a friendly name for the Component.
  5. For Component Type, select DX Graph - Static Record List.
  6. Click Submit.

To configure the DX Graph Static Record List Component, in the Manage Components page:

  1. Next to the DX Graph Static Record List Component, click the Edit button. The Edit Component page appears.
  2. For Connection, select the appropriate DX Graph Connection.
  3. For Collection ID, select the DX Graph Collection that contains the records to appear in this Component.
  4. For Suggestion Display Template, enter a Handlebars template containing the identifiers of Fields in the DX Graph Collection, which the DX Engine UI will display to Conscia users. For example, to show users the article_id and title fields of the DX Graph Record:
{{article_id}} ({{title}})
  1. For Search Fields, select fields from the Category that the DX Engine UI will search when users type values to locate Records from DX Graph.

Records only appear after the Conscia user enters a value for which search results are available.

Component Experience Rule Configuration

To personalize experiences by presenting different records to different visitors, apply Experience Rules to DX Graph Static Record List Components.

Parameter NameParameter PropertyDescription
Records to showrecordIdsAn array of record identifiers to fetch

Dynamic Record List

A DX Graph Dynamic Record List Component lets Conscia users specify criteria to determine Records in a DX Graph collection.

Component Configuration

Parameter NameParameter PropertyDescription
Connection CodeconnectionCodeThe Connection Code of a configured Conscia DX Graph Connector
Collection IDcollectionIdThe Collection to access
Maximum number of records to returnlimit

To create a DX Graph Dynamic Record List Component in the DX Engine UI:

  1. In the top navigation, Navigate to the Experience Components page (Manage Flows --> Components).
  2. Click Add Component. The Create Component page appears.
  3. For Component Code, enter a unique identifier for the Component.
  4. For Component Name, enter a friendly name for the Component.
  5. For Component Type, select DX Graph - Dynamic Record List.
  6. Click Submit.

To configure athe DX Graph Dyamic Record List Component, in the Manage Components page:

  1. Next to the DX Graph Dynamic Record List Component, click the Edit button. The Edit Component page appears.
  2. For Connection, select the appropriate DX Graph Connection.
  3. For Collection ID, select the DX Graph Collection that contains the records to appear in this Component.
  4. For Maximum number of records to return, enter a limit to the number of Records that the DX Graph Dynamic Record List Component will return.
  5. Optionally, for Query Filter, specify a DX Graph Record filter. For example, the following JS Expression will cause the response of this Component to include only Records from the DX Graph Collection that contain the value eat in the field named title:
"$like": {
"field": "title",
"value": "%eat%"
  1. Optionally, for Record Layout Configuration, configure how this Component will format Records from DX Graph. For example, the following JS Expression will cause the response of this Component to include only the title field from the Records in the DX Graph Collection.
"fieldsToReturn": ["title"]
  1. Click Submit.

Component Experience Rule Configuration

To personalize experiences by presenting different records to different visitors, apply Experience Rules to DX Graph Dynamic Record List Components.

Parameter NameParameter PropertyDescription
Query Filterquery
Sort resultssortArray of objects [{fieldName, direction}]
- direction must be asc or desc