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Batch Microservice Workflows

Conscia Recipes are designed to be intentionally open-ended, providing a robust starting point for building custom workflows. However, just as Components can come togther to form more complex Flows or populate bespoke experiences, Recipes can be built using others as a foundation.

For this Recipe, we will merge Batch Data Operations with a Sub Component and Polling with a Microservice. Instead of running a simple calculator function in the Sub Component flow (foreach), we will be communicating with an AI Large Language Model (LLM) using a microservice.

We are taking an existing model for executing work, an existing tool or function, and marrying one into the other to serve a more complex use case - reusing more than half of the previous work, and creating only a handful of new Components. This is a perfect example of why implementing projects with Conscia reduces implementation time by 75%, since each thoughtfully-implemented 'atom' can be used in a variety of 'molecules'! It's the DRYest way to compose digital experiences and orchestrate API-first systems.


This Recipe presumes that you have completed both of the above Recipes in a single Environment. If you have not, please do so now; don't worry about instantiating the Calculator Component.

Mapping Out DX Engine Elements

Batch Microservice Workflows Visualizer

This recipe, as it stands, is not designed to supply a digital experience in real-time. Instead, it showcases Conscia's usefulness as an intermediary data management suite, building modular low-code functions to streamline operations and maximize business user workflows.

No context is required as input. The output is the result of each POST operation back to Airtable, to show the work being performed by an AI Large Language Model.

Airtable Configuration Details

Create Airtable

Visit, hit +Create, and start a new Base. Then create the following four Tables:

Table NameSimple Fields
Commands to Send to LLMcall_id - Autonumber, primary field
initial_message - Single line text
Responses from LLMllm_called_date - Date, primary field, Include time
response - Long text
Assistantsassistant_name - Single line text, primary field
description - Long text
ConnectionsName - Single line text, primary field

Establish Airtable Relationships

Now we can create relationships between the tables.

Command-Response Relationship

This can be originated from either table (creating a 1:1 link creates a reciprocal Field). Regardless of the first field we add, we need the following fields present each Table:

Table NameRelationship Fields
Commands to Send to LLMllm_called_date - Link to Responses from LLM
response - Lookup, source llm_called_date, looking up response
Responses from LLMcall_id - Link to Commands to Send to LLM
initial_message - Lookup, source call_id, looking up initial_message

Command-Assistant Relationship

This can be originated from either table (creating a 1:1 link creates a reciprocal Field). Regardless of the first field we add, we need the following fields present each Table:

Table NameRelationship Fields
Commands to Send to LLMassistant_name - Link to Assistants
assistant_id - Lookup, source assistant_name, looking up assistant_id
AssistantsCommands to Send to LLM - Link to Commands to Send to LLM

Command-Connections Relationship

This can be originated from either table (creating a 1:1 link creates a reciprocal Field). Regardless of the first field we add, we need the following fields present each Table:

Table NameRelationship Fields
Commands to Send to LLMrelayConnectionID - Link to Connections
relayConnection - Lookup, source relayConnectionID, looking up Name
ConnectionsCommands to Send to LLM - Link to Commands to Send to LLM

Now we have linked Tables. Each row in Commands to Send to LLM has an Assistant and Connection specified and an initial message; the recipe will run those requests to the LLM, and create rows in Responses from LLM that link to Commands to Send to LLM and show the output from the specified Assistant.

Populate Initial Rows

Create a row in Assistants for the Assistant you created in Polling with a Microservice, Succinct Jimmy, or any other Assistant you are using. Create a row in Connections for the Connection you created in Polling with a Microservice, relay-openai.

DX Engine Configuration Details

The topics in this section explain how to implement the elements involved in this recipe.

Context Fields

We need to create a Context Field for keeping track of an individual Airtable record.

  1. Navigate to the Context Fields page (Manage Flows --> Context Fields).
  2. Click Add Context Field. The Create Context Field page appears.
  3. For Context Field Name, enter airtableRecord.
  4. For Data Type, select String.
  5. Click Submit.


As previous recipes.


Airtable Connection

We must instantiate our new Airtable in Conscia. You'll need to retrieve the Base ID (the first segment of the URL, it starts with app) and the Table's ID (the next segment of the URL, it starts with viw).

  • Navigate to the Connections page (Manage Flows --> Connections).
  • Duplicate the airtable Connection, Edit it to modify it, or click the + Add Connection button.
  • Change or enter the following and click Submit:
Connection Coderelay-airtable
Connection NameRelay Airtable
ConnectorUniversal API Connector
Base URLGet value from: Literal + the Base ID recorded above + /
Base HeadersHeader: Authorization
Get value from: JS Expression
"Bearer " + secret('airtable')
Base HeadersHeader: content-type
Get value from: Literal


We will continue to use Relay: Rules and Relay: Rules Transform unmodified.

Component to Retrieve LLM Commands from Airtable

This Component replaces get-airtable-equations.

  • Navigate to the Experience Components page (Manage Flows --> Components).
  • On the get-airtable-equations row, click the Duplicate button.
  • Modify the following and click Submit.
Component Coderelay-get-llm-commands-airtable
Component NameRelay: GET LLM commands (Airtable)
Webservice PathGet value from: Literal
the Table ID retained above
Query ParametersParameter: filterByFormula
Get value from: Literal - NOT({llm_called_date})

Component to Convert Airtable Records to Relay Inputs

In each Sub Component run, we will have an AirtableRecord Context Field provided that needs to be broken down into Context Fields for consumption by the Relay Components we're already using.

  • Navigate to the Experience Components page (Manage Flows --> Components).
  • Click the + Add Component button.
  • Enter the following and click Submit.
Component Codeairtable-record-to-relay
Component NameRelay: Airtable Record to Relay
No RulesChecked
Component TypeConscia - Property Mapper
Component DescriptionConverts an Airtable record into Relay context fields.
Default SourceGet value from: Context Field airtableRecord
Default Expression TypeJavaScript
  • Enter the following Property Mappings:
Target propertySource expression
assistantIDdata.fields.assistant_id? data.fields.assistant_id[0] : null
  • Finally, establish these mappings as Context Fields:
Context FieldExpression

Component to Run Relay as a Sub Component

This Component replaces calculator as the work performer in each Sub Component run. Start with relay to reduce data entry. While we still ingest relay-rules-transform, we need to layer in additional data from the Airtable record.

  • Navigate to the Experience Components page (Manage Flows --> Components).
  • On the relay row, click the Duplicate button.
  • Enter or modify the following and click Submit.
Component Coderelay-sub
Component NameRelay: Run Relay as a Sub Component
DescriptionRun Relay N times, as part of a Sub Component flow.
"apiBody1": {
"assistant_id": contextField('assistantID'),
"thread": {
"messages": [{
"role": "user",
"content": contextField('messageContent')

Component to Store Solutions in Airtable

  • Navigate to the Experience Components page (Manage Flows --> Components).
  • Click the + Add Component button.
  • Enter the following and click Submit.
Component Codepost-to-airtable
Component NamePOST to Airtable
No RulesChecked
Component TypeConscia - Universal API Connector
Webservice PathGet value from: Literal
"records": [
"fields": {
"Equation_ID": [contextField('airtableRecord').id],
"Solution": componentResponse('calculator')

Sub Component Execution

As before, the Relay: GET LLM commands (Airtable) Component must query Airtable and, for each record which passes the filter criteria, execute the Relay: POST to Airtable Component, which will call the others as dependencies. Instantiate Relay: POST to Airtable as a Sub Component of Relay: GET LLM commands (Airtable), making it a Parent Component.

  • Navigate to the Experience Components page (Manage Flows --> Components).
  • Click the Relay: GET LLM commands (Airtable) Component.
  • Navigate to the Sub Components tab.
  • Enter the following and click Submit.
Sub ComponentsAdd one entry.
Property Namellm_runs
Component CodesAdd one entry: relay-post-to-airtable
Context Field for Sub ComponentAdd one entry:
Context Field: airtableRecord
Expression: response

As response is an array of Table rows, the Sub Component will be invoked response.length times and each execution of relay-post-to-airtable will receive one entry as airtableRecord.

After populating a few sample prompts, successful invocation of the Relay: GET LLM commands (Airtable) Component will produce a result like the following in Airtable:

Batch Microservice Workflows Airtable
