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Data Record Timestamps

When data records in DX Graph are created, a field called @iat is created which holds on to the creation timestamp. When a data record is updated, a field called @uat is updated with the update timestamp. To make these fields visible, use the Schema Editor to make those field visible and readonly so they show up in the Data Grid.

Displaying Created/Updated Timestamp fields on Collections

On the Settings --> Data Model page, right-click the Collection and select Edit --> Edit Schema. On the top-left corner of the Schema Editor, select Data/Time from the dropdown.

  • Drag Date-Time to the bottom of the list of fields. Enter @iat in the Name field and Created At in the Display Name field and select the Read-Only checkbox.
  • Drag Date-Time to the bottom of the list of fields. Enter @uat in the Name field and Updated At in the Display Name field and select the Read-Only checkbox.
  • Click Submit to save the changes.

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