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Connect to Conscia DX Graph APIs

You can follow these instructions to access Conscia DX Graph APIs.

Determine the DX Graph API Endpoint

Determine a DX Graph API endpoint and generate an API Token for that endpoint.

Review available API endpoint options for DX Graph:

Choose a DX Graph API endpoint, typically one of:


Choose a DX Engine API endpoint, typically one of:


Generate an API Token

To generate an API Token to access DX Graph Webservice APIs:

Post the following HTTP headers to https://{host}/graphql, replacing {host} in the URL with the value from the DX Graph API endpoint, {customer-code} in the HTTP header, and {email} and {password} in the following payload:

  • X-Customer-Code: {customer-code}
  • Content-Type: application/json
  • X-Request-Type: GraphQL
query ($input: GenerateOfflineAPIKeyFromCredentialsInput) {
generateOfflineAPIKeyFromCredentials(input: $input)

"input": {
"username": "{email}",
"password": "{password}"

Remember to avoid recording an actual DX Graph user email address or password anywhere.


Using Postman to Generate a DX Graph API Token

Configure Your Workstation

Update ~/.profile to set some environment variables to Conscia endpoints. Assuming Conscia staging infrastructure:

export DXG_BASE=https://$DXG_HOST/vue/_api/v1
export DXE_BASE=https://$DXE_HOST/api

To define these environment varialbes, start a new shell or run these export commands in your shell or source ~/.profile.

Create or update ~/bin/.dxcurlrc, replacing {customer-code} and {token}:

-H "X-Customer-Code: {customer-code}"
-H "Authorization: Bearer {token}"

Confirm that you can invoke DX Graph APIs, retrieve the list of Collections.

curl -X GET -K ~/bin/.dxcurlrc $DXG_BASE/collections