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Computed Fields

Calculating Computed Fields

Intel can compute user profile attributes such as customer's lifetime value, lifetime orders, category affinity, etc, as well as campaign and content level analytics such as click-through rates, conversions, most viewed by segment, etc. These computed fields are calculated using the clickstream/transactional event data such as purchase transactions, views, clicks, etc.

The following table lists the various types of calculations that can be computed and used to enrich any entity.

Metric typeData TypeComputation TemplateParameters RequiredFilter ParametersSample Computations
Time Since LastNumber{Time Since} Last {Event Name}Event Name, Time FormatTime Window, Context FieldDays since last {Purchase, Add to Cart, Add to Wish List, Visit, Page View, etc}
Time Since FirstNumber{Time Since} First {Event Name}Event Name, Time FormatTime Window, Context FieldDays since first {Purchase, Add to Cart, Add to Wish List, Visit, Page View, etc}
CountNumber{Count of Events} of {Event Name}Event NameTime Window, Context FieldNumber of {purchases, page views, etc}
Count, GroupedArray of Key/Value Pairs{Count of Events} of {Event Name}, grouped by {Context Field}Event Name, Group By Context FieldTime Window, Context FieldNumber of {purchases, page views, etc} by {Channel, Device, Location, Browser Type, Product Category, Brand}
Context from LastString{Context Field} for Last/First {Event Name}Event Name, Context FieldTime Window, Context Field{Product Category, Brand, Price, Device, Location} of Last {Product Purchased, Product Viewed, etc}
Context from FirstString{Context Field } for Last/First {Event Name}Event Name, Context FieldTime Window, Context Field{Product Category, Brand, Price, Device, Location} of First {Product Purchased, Product Viewed, etc}
Unique List with CountsArray of Key/Value Pairs{Unique List} {Context Field}{Sorted by}Context Field, Sort TypeTime Window, Context FieldUnique List of {Channels, Device, Locations, Brands, Topics, etc}
Aggregation (Sum/Min/Max/Avg)Number{Aggregation} for {Event Name}Aggregation Type, Event NameTime Window, Context FieldTotal Spend, Average Spend
Aggregation, DurationNumber{Aggregation} Duration of {Event Name}Event Name, Context FieldsTotal Minutes Watched, Minimum Minutes Watched, Average Minutes Watched
Aggregation (Sum/Min/Max/Avg), GroupedArray of Key/Value Pairs{Aggregation} for {Event Name} grouped by {Context Field }Event Name, Context FieldsTime Window, Context FieldTotal Revenue by Brand, Category, Device, etc

Scheduling Computations

During onboarding, the computation schedule is established. For some use cases, it may make sense to run computations multiple times per day while in other cases, once a day may be sufficient. Please note that the total compute power required for your instance will be based on the number of compute operations and the storage requirements.

Number of Compute Operations = Number of Unique Computed Fields x Number of Times Calculated

Generating Predictive Scores

Conscia provides configurable Machine Learning models to create different types of predictive scores such as customer's propensity - how likely or unlikely people are to take an action, such as purchase, or churn. This allows our customers to create optimized offers, promotions, discounts and more based on thousands of behavioral data points in no time.

For more information on this capability, please speak with your Account Representative.

Intel - Data Flow

The following demonstrated the overall data flow starting from events received in real-time or batch to computed values and traits enriching the customer profile or any other entity being managed within Conscia.


Details on how to send event data into Intel are here.